Cymer Chemicals offers Expertise, Innovation, Quality, and Safety. We adhere to both U.S. and international environmental and safety regulations. Our internal policies establish the guidelines by which we safeguard our clients, the environment, our company, and the world at large.
Our chemical products adhere to the highest quality standards. Our chemists meticulously refine our products to meet or surpass the applicable regulatory and compliance specifications set by globally recognized agencies. In addition, we consistently meet our customers’ often complex technical specifications. Every product has in-house analytical testing and certification of our materials, and we also collaborate with third-party laboratories to ensure our products meet the highest standards.

Partner with Cymer Chemicals

A Long Tradition of Quality
Success requires expertise, experience, innovative ideas, standard methodologies and commitment to safety, quality and project success. Cymer exemplifies this concept.
Gas Chromatographs
- (2) Agilent 6890 GC Systems with FID and TC with Autoinjector
- (2) Agilent 6850 GC Systems with FID- (1) autoinjector, (1) Headspace injector
- (1) Agilent 7820A GC Systems with FID and TC with Autoinjector
- (1) Agilent 6890A GC Systems with FID and TC
- (1) Agilent 5890 Series II GC Systems with FID
Liquid Chromatographs
- (1) Shimadzu LC System (Prominenee) w/PDA
- (7) Agilent 1100 LC/ULC systems with Variable Wavelength Detection
Ion Chromatography
- Metrohm 881 Compact IC Pro
Gel Permeation Chromatography
- (1) EcoSEC HLC-8320 GPC
- (1) Agilent PSS GPC System
Spectroscopy Equipment
- Varian Cary UV 50
- Perkin Elmer Spectrum 100 FTIR
- Perkin Elmer Spectrum 65 FTIR
- Milton Roy Spectronic 20D
Miscellaneous Laboratory Equipment
- (3) Karl Fisher Moisture Analyzer
- 45 Moisture Balance (3)
- Datacolor Color Analyzer
- Grabner Miniflash (closed cup)
- 1KA 2000 Calorimeter
- Coulter LS 13320 Particle Size Analyzer with PIDS (ULM and Tornado Dry Powder Modules)
- Brookfield Viscometer LVT (w/constant temperature water bath), RVT OHAUS MB
Miscellaneous Laboratory Equipment (Cont’d)
- ICI, Brookfield DVIII + viscometer
- Vacuum Oven (5)
- Metrohm Acid/Base Autotitrator
- Lange LICO 400 Color Tester
- (2) Muffle Furnace
- Hach 2100AN Turbidimeter
- SOTAX TD2 Tap Density Tester
- SRS Optimelt apparatus
- Setaflash closed cup flashpoint analyzer
- Perkin Elmer DSC 4000
- Turner Designs Aquafluor 8000
- Multiflash PMCC Flash Point Tester
- Multiflash TAG Flash Point Tester
- Fisher Tag Open Cup Flash Tester
- Koehler Closed Cup Flash Tester
- Erdco Rapid Tester Small Scale Flash Point Tester
- Scientech ZSA 210 Analytical Balance
- Orbeco Hellige Aquatester APHA Color Tester
- Orbeco Hellige Daylite Comparator Illuminator Gardner Color Tester
- Mel-Temp melting point apparatus
- (2) Brookfield Syncrolectric Viscometer
- Endocal Refrigerated Circulating Bath
- VWR Tempered Water Bath
- Fischer Scientific FS20 Sonicator
- (3) Forced air ovens

REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorization, and Restriction of Chemicals) compliance is for the manufacturers and importers of chemicals in the EU. Ask about our status on chemicals registered with the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA).